ENDEGRA Dresden 2013 – Printshops
Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz
The socio-cultural work of the organisation creates a connecting line between professional and citizen-art culture. Out of the initiative of artists a focal point has been developed since 1991 in the historic building of Loschwitz´s fire station for professional and amateur artists, children and local residents. The main focus of the work is the promotion of young artists and also the promotion of cultural activities and education in general. The courses offers in the various workshop spaces, the regular exhibitions of contemporary art, the performances in the gallery as well as the external projects which are organised outside of the organisation describe the offerings-pallete.
Lithography Workshop, Etching workshop, Photo Lab, Ceramics Workshop, Gallery, Guest Rooms, Atelier for study visits, Gastronomy in the “Trille”
Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz
e. Kunst- und Kulturverein
Fidelio-F.-Finke-Straße 4
01326 Dresden
LITHOGRAPHIE Workshop Alte Feuerwache
In the workshop, artists and others interested in this printing technique have the possibility to print the prepared stones or even get them printed by the workshop leader. One Press, Stones from 19×24 cm to 60×80 cm.
In this workshop the artists have the possibility to edit and print plates. There are realised dry point, etching and soft-ground printings. With the etching press, it is also possible to make woodblock prints.
Riesa efau
Since 1990 “riesa efau.Kultur Forum Dresden” is a place for creative engagement with issues of interaction between art and society. Riesa efau offers art and craft in courses and workshops at the “künstlerisches Abendstudium” (artistic evening classes), the “Internationale Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst” (international summer academy for fine arts), in exhibitions, movies, art-projects in the city area, concerts, theater performances and readings. These activities are taking place in the “Motorenhalle”, the project-center for contemporary arts, the “Runde Ecke” (round corner), the “Konzertkeller” (concert-basement) and the “Galerie Adlergasse” (Galery Adlergasse). Furthermore, there is the “Mehrgenerationenhaus” (multiple-generation house) with the volunteer-management, cross-generational activities, service features for families and activities concerning civic engagement.
riesa efau
Adlergasse 14
01067 Dresden
Lithography-Workshop Riesa efau
Established by Frank Herrmann in 1993, a historic lithograph-press from the 19th century and more than seventy stones in diverse dimensions are available. This solid basis offers the possibility to work in all lithographical techniques from the relatively easy spring- or chalk-technique to the scraping-technique. In the center of the workshop practice is the artistic work with the stone. In his work since the 1980s, the workshop leader Wolfgang Bruchwitz mainly deals experimentally with lithographic print.
Etching-Workshop Riesa efau
Equipped for etching as historic printing art with its diverse techniques like drypoint, aquatint and line etching. Two gravure printing presses are usable. The basics can be learned in the evening-courses. Invaluable are the exchange of experiences during the creation of the graphics, the production of the printing plate and during the printing process at the gravure printing press. The workshop-leader Bärbel Voigt is a stage and costume designer at the HBFK and diverse saxonian stages for plays and musical theaters. She is engaged intensively with etching in terms of the visual arts.
Screenprinting-Workshop Riesa efau
From preparing the filter and the positioning device and the operation itself to the cleaning and devarnishing of the printing plate, the participants learn every principle of this technique. Both, finely stringed filters for pressing on paper and roughly stringed filters for textile printing are available. The workshop leader since 2010 is Markus Trage, self-employed screenprinter in poster design.
Photography-Workshop Riesa efau
Existing since 1992, its focus lies on the practical work in the laboratory, which is specifically equipped for black and white photography, whose classic technique unfolds timeless and clear esthetics. In the darkroom it is possible to enlarge negatives on three devices at the same time, so that the work can be split into three groups. The workshop leader is a self-employed photographer who has his focuses in the areas architecture and long-term documentation. Since 1994 he has been in charge of photography courses and workshops and has lectured at the TU and HTW in Dresden.
Media-Workshop Riesa efau
Since 2007. It offers nine working places for the participants and a computer for the workshop-leader with a beamer, scanner and printer (din a3 format). Mainly open-source software for picture-editing, audio-cut, vector-graphics, DTP, 3d-animation and adobe.