Category Archives for ENDEGRA 2013 – Blog
Open Table – Presentation
Every evening consisted present their work to the participants the opportunity. In doing so lively discussions about printmaking nuances emerged.
Typostudio SchumacherGebler Dresden
Visit to the Typostudio SchumacherGebler Dresden – with qualified personal introduction of the collection by Mr. SchumacherGebler personally.
Originalgraphic Leporello
The printing plates of all participants of the excursion to the Saxon Switzerland were transformed into an originalgraphic Leporello.
ENDEGRA with printing-plates into Sächsische Schweiz
Art-landscape and place of landscape art – Dresden and Printmaking-role since the 15th century in Saxony. → more
These images are snapshots from the everyday of the week ENDEGRA-Dresden and show the highly communicative atmosphere.
In the participating printshops Grafikwerkstatt Dresden, Riesa-efau und Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz was also diligently talking while working. As expected, there was a large crowd during the demonstrations certain unusual original graphic techniques such as the vacuum-lithography or the viscosity-printing (demonstrated in ENDEGRA film).
By the way we experience ourselves as a living network and articulate the conditions that are needed in artistic printmaking. → more
Presentation of the workshops at the exhibition Galerie EINHORN
The participants of ENDEGRA Dresden 2013 presented their Possitionen and described the workshops represented – with amazing facts on the situation of printmaking workshops came to light in the respective countries, in support of culture through politics and the structure of the artists working there. Then they answered questions from the other:
- Bolaget Vardagsbilder Lithographic Studio | Sweden
- Steindruckerei Ernst & Erika Hanke | Switzerland
- Hjo Konstskola Grafikverkstad | Sweden
- Albatross Editions | Finland
- Bolaget Vardagsbilder Lithographic Studio | Sweden
- Bolaget Vardagsbilder Lithographic Studio | Sweden
- Skaraborgs Konstgrafiska Verkstad | Sweden
- Skaraborgs Konstgrafiska Verkstad | Sweden
- Konstnärernas kollektivverktad | Stockholm
- Fyns Grafiske Værksted | Danmark
- Tidaholms Konstgrafiska Verkstad|Sweden
- Typostudio SG | Germany
- Grafikverkstan Godsmagasinet | Sweden
- Vilnius Graphic Art Center | Lithuania
- Vilnius Graphic Art Center | Lithuania
- Göteborg Art School | Sweden
- Göteborg Art School | Sweden
- Atelier | France
- Saima University of Fine Arts, Imatra | Finland
- Konstnärs Kolektiv Verkstatt Stockholm|Sweden
- Lahti Printmakers Association | Finland
- Lahti Printmakers Association | Finland
- Lahti Printmakers Association | Finland
- Grafikwerkstatt Dresden | Germany
- Atelier | France
- Academy of Fine Arts in Wocław | Poland
- Association Atelier de Gravure Bo Halbirk | France
- Grafikwerkstatt Dresden | Germany
- Association Atelier de Gravure Bo Halbirk | France
- Kulturverein Riesa efau | Germany
- Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz | Germany
- Steindruckerei Ernst & Erika Hanke | Switzerland
- Kulturverein Riesa efau | Germany
- Leporello: ENDEGRA in Sächsischer Schweiz
- Galerie EINHORN | Germany
- Grafikwerkstatt Dresden | Germany
ENDEGRA meets in Dresden
Welcome in Dresden
The exhibition in the gallery EINHORN was designed common by all participants on the same day of arrival – this was a wide presentation of the various workshops that are involved in ENDEGRA-Dresden 2013. The official opening will be on thursday.
- Grafikwerkstatt Dresden | Germany
Final Program
Serigrafie Riesa efau: Markus Trage 017623340133
Wednesday 14.8.
Typostudio SchumacherGebler Dresden
Großenhainer Straße 11
01097 Dresden
+49 351 808520
Discussion 16. August
For the discussion in Dresden August 16, 2013 – with best regards from the moderators Nina Bondeson & Jim Berggren!
What do we need to agree on? What do we not need to agree on?
When we discuss how we want to continue the work with ENDEGRA, it is important to sort out what it is we need to agree on and what is it we do not have to share opinions about, in order to strengthen and extend opportunities within printmaking. These two questions are at the same time a supportive reverse gear if a discussion comes to a dead end, since the only way forward from a dead end is to back out of it. → more
Registered: 35 guests
We are pleased to have so many registrations – 35 guests and additional artists from Dresden will be there. Now we send the confirmations about the accommodation. There are no additional rooms longer available.
Note: the program is constantly updated.
Regards Peter → more
Some accommodation places are still available …
The moment we have 33 registered guests, some accommodation places are still available. The program is updated – We are worried that the week is not enough for all the interesting points …
See you in August, Peter! → more
Art-landscape and place of landscape art – Dresden
Dr. phil. Anke Fröhlich (Dresden):
„Topography – Typography“
Art-landscape and place of landscape art – Dresden / Typography as a tool for intellectual and emotional knowledge / Printmaking-role since the 15th century in Saxony
Monday 12th: Lecture
Thursday 15th: Presentation of selected prints and discussion
In the rich tradition of the saxon history the graphical arts plays a great rule. From the beginning of engravings and woodcuts since around 1500 graphical prints served as single-sheet woodcuts, flyers or book illustrations; especially because Saxony in that time was a main territory of the theological movements reformation and counter reformation. Lukas Cranach and his followers found very popular compositions into that disputes – and allways in closely contact with the printed word. → more
Also the meetings will be in Brücke/Most
Also the meetings are in Brücke/Most-house: beautiful garden, large salon and the river Elbe is right next door … and for August we ordered the best weather!
Historic guesthouse on the river Elbe
ENDEGRA-Dresden participants will stay in a famous historic guesthouse on the river Elbe, 29 Beds in shared rooms are available. In the neighborhood there are enough hotel standard rooms and single rooms, more expensive.
Reinhold-Becker-Straße 5
D-01277 Dresden → more
Journeyman’s Walk
2019 | Jana Madle-Elmerhaus
Kommunikationsdesignerin · Typografin
☞ Schriftsetzerin in Ausbildung auf TypoWalz
Auf zur nächsten Station – Der Tag beginnt freundlich, die Sonne heißt mich willkommen. Diesmal kenne ich weder die Örtlichkeit, noch weiß ich, wem ich begegnen werde. Der Hinweg führt mich vorbei an Gründerzeit-Villen und schon die Straßenschilder begrüßen mich in einer Serifen-Schrift, die aussieht wie die Garamond. 600 Quadratmeter Glück – gleich am Eingang der Grafikwerkstatt hängt einladend eine Druckwalze als Namensschild und ich weiß sofort, dass ich hier richtig bin. Dann trete ich ein in eine 600 m² große lichtdurchflutete Werkstatt,
Introduce your workshop!
We invite all of all participating workshops to introduce yourself – to show examples of art and how it was made – please contact us soon.
Peter Stephan
Galerie EINHORN is reserved for our week
Now I have finally found the perfect opportunity for our exhibition to present the print-workshops. The Gallery EINHORN (JugendKunstschule Dresden/Kinder- und Jugendgalerie EINHORN, Königstraße 15, 01097 Dresden) which is the best address in Dresden, is reserved for the week. So we have a place each other exchange views as ENDEGRA group, and but also to invite for an official press conference on end or during our meeting.
Now we invite all of all participating workshops to present – especially the professional workshops and examples of art and how it was made – and we are happy about ideas … please contact us soon. → more
We are just planning
Topography – Typography
The next ENDEGRA meeting starts in the landscape of Middlegermany and Saxony with its vast traditions in art and culture, where printmaking has played a vital role since the 15th century. In the romantic era, that emanated in the 18th century, visual artists from the Dresden area started to paint the lovely, strange and always expressive and characteristic landscape along the river Elbe and in the Sächsische Schweiz. They depicted the outer landscape to use it as a metaphor for an inner landscape. Their art led to a widely spread appreciation of the landscape, as a physical place to visit and as pictures that told about our lived experiences. → more