Presentation of the workshops at the exhibition Galerie EINHORN
The participants of ENDEGRA Dresden 2013 presented their Possitionen and described the workshops represented – with amazing facts on the situation of printmaking workshops came to light in the respective countries, in support of culture through politics and the structure of the artists working there. Then they answered questions from the other:
- Bolaget Vardagsbilder Lithographic Studio | Sweden
- Steindruckerei Ernst & Erika Hanke | Switzerland
- Hjo Konstskola Grafikverkstad | Sweden
- Albatross Editions | Finland
- Bolaget Vardagsbilder Lithographic Studio | Sweden
- Bolaget Vardagsbilder Lithographic Studio | Sweden
- Skaraborgs Konstgrafiska Verkstad | Sweden
- Skaraborgs Konstgrafiska Verkstad | Sweden
- Konstnärernas kollektivverktad | Stockholm
- Fyns Grafiske Værksted | Danmark
- Tidaholms Konstgrafiska Verkstad|Sweden
- Typostudio SG | Germany
- Grafikverkstan Godsmagasinet | Sweden
- Vilnius Graphic Art Center | Lithuania
- Vilnius Graphic Art Center | Lithuania
- Göteborg Art School | Sweden
- Göteborg Art School | Sweden
- Atelier | France
- Saima University of Fine Arts, Imatra | Finland
- Konstnärs Kolektiv Verkstatt Stockholm|Sweden
- Lahti Printmakers Association | Finland
- Lahti Printmakers Association | Finland
- Lahti Printmakers Association | Finland
- Grafikwerkstatt Dresden | Germany
- Atelier | France
- Academy of Fine Arts in Wocław | Poland
- Association Atelier de Gravure Bo Halbirk | France
- Grafikwerkstatt Dresden | Germany
- Association Atelier de Gravure Bo Halbirk | France
- Kulturverein Riesa efau | Germany
- Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz | Germany
- Steindruckerei Ernst & Erika Hanke | Switzerland
- Kulturverein Riesa efau | Germany
- Leporello: ENDEGRA in Sächsischer Schweiz
- Galerie EINHORN | Germany
- Grafikwerkstatt Dresden | Germany